PT Engineering was responsible for the development of the NCDOT Origin-Destination (O-D) Matrix Development Procedure that details five methods for developing O-D matrices. The procedures include step by step guidance on the process of developing O-D matrices and provides best practices for determining the appropriate method. Additionally, the following utilities were developed to assist in and standardize the development of O-D matrices:
• Corridor O-D development tool to develop OD matrix from IAU output for a corridor with up to 50 intersections
• Matrix Iteration Tool that utilizes and Iterative Proportional Fitting (IPF) function to develop O-D matrices from a seed matrix
• Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation (ODME) Link Volume Comparison Utility
The O-D Procedures also included the development of a total of 16 videos that provided two sample projects for each of the five methods. The videos, sample data sets and resources were included in the NCDOT Traffic Engineering Suite (TES).